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Key sharing to physical doors and locks

  • Share keys, sell access, integrate
  • With any kind of electromagnetical, physical or virtual lock
  • Make comfort for customer, save on personnel and OpEx

For whom:

Owners of Apartments for rent

Door and lock installers

ASC brands and developers

Advanced users can develop custom service based on selling actions and API triggering

Try it now for free

Free for non-commercial use

Sell your keys in mobile app or share it for free

Allow your customers to open your doors with mobile app

Collect customer’s personal data when it’s necessary

Try it now for free

How to connect your door

Install electromechanical lock

Connect to digital controller and Internet

Connect controller to All Doors API

Use for personal or commercial use

Connect your door now for free


Which ASC brands do you support?

We naively integrated with Ausweis and Simplegate, but we have SDK which you can use to connect any kind of digital lock controller or ACS you want to use in one day!

How to begin using your system for commercial purposes?

It's very simple! Fill in the form in your dashboard, accept agreement, make payment for commercial license and get payouts on your bank account.

What if I sell access or booking through some other source?

It's OK. Just issue access keys on your dashboard and share it with your customers for free.

Is it secure?

Sure! Our team facilitated over $290.000.000 of financial transactions during 2016-2019. All Doors system more secured than any financial system you met before

Any questions?

Contact us!